WWF Backlash PPV: WWF Hardcore Championship: Rhyno vs. Raven: (04.29.01) - Rhyno makes his way to the ring first. Raven follows with a huge pop, wearing his old jean shorts and his NEW WWF Raven T-Shirt. Match starts off with a drop toe hold by Raven on a stop sign in the corner. Rhyno punches Raven through the ropes. Rhyno knocks Raven out of the ring and gets a two count. Rhyno sits Raven in a chair and runs at him off the ring steps, but Raven moves at the last moment and Rhyno eats chair. Raven then hits a flying clothesline off of the same stairs on Rhyno for a two count. Rhyno hits Raven in the head with a trash can lid and a sign for a two count. Rhyno hits Raven in the face with a shopping cart, then throws it in the ring. Raven with a drop toe hold on Rhyno onto the shopping cart. Raven nails Rhyno in the head with a sign. Raven hits a bulldog for a two count. Raven hits Rhyno in the face with a trash can for a two count. Raven spears Rhyno with the shopping cart. Rhyno hits Raven in the head with the sign for a two count. Raven ducks a spear and Rhyno GORES the cart. Raven then picks up a kitchen sink and ram it into Rhyno's skull over 5 times! Raven nails the cart with Rhyno stuck in it for a two count. Rhyno then spears Raven with a kitchen sink for the win. Both men are destroyed at the end of this hard fought match.
WINNER and STILL Hardcore Champion: Rhyno via Pinfall
WWF Smackdown: Backstage Segment: Edge & Christian with Commissioner William Regal: (04.26.01) - Backstage at WWF Smackdown, Edge and Christian rush into Commissioner William Regal's office. They're incensed over the fact that Matt Hardy has just defeated "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero for the WWF European Championship. Edge and Christian say they want a shot at gold too, European Gold, and demands that Christian get a shot at Hardy's newly won WWF European Championship this Sunday at WWF Backlash on PPV. Regal speaks up and says "What About Raven?" Raven had a match scheduled against Guerrero for that same title at Backlash. Edge and Christian convince Regal to take Raven out of that match and instead "feed him to the Rhyno" and have Raven challenge the man-beast Rhyno for Rhyno's WWF Hardcore Championship, since in Edge's words "it's so Raven-esque." Christian will then take on both Eddy and Matt for the Euro belt this Sunday. Regal then has Raven become the number one contender for the Hardcore Championship and take on the winner of Rhyno vs. Test match on Smackdown. Rhyno wins and retains his title, so it's Rhyno vs. Raven on PPV this Sunday for the WWF Hardcore Title.
WWF RAW is WAR: Raven/Grandmaster Sexay/Steve Blackman Segment: (4.23.01) - Micheal Cole is backstage interviewing Raven, Steve Blackman and Grandmaster Sexay about their upcoming match tonight against The Radicalz. Raven says he's hear to prove the Radicalz are frauds; they aren't innovative, new, or groundbreaking, they will face their fate, destiny and pain tonight instead.
Raven/Grandmaster Sexay/Steve Blackman vs. The Radicalz (Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero w/Terri) - Saturn and Blackman start. Blackman hits a leg sweep, but misses a follow up elbow drop. T-Bone suplex by Saturn. Blackman pancakes Saturn; he then tags Malenko. Right hand by Blackman then he tags Sexay. Sexay ducks a clothesline then hits a hip toss. Boot to the face by Sexay. Eddie distracts the ref and Saturn drops Sexay neck first on the ropes. Eddie tagged in and he get a few shots then he tags Saturn. Saturn hits a gut wrench then drives Sexay upside down into the top turnbuckle. Saturn goes to the top rope with Sexay, but Sexay pushes him off. Flying crossbody by Sexay and both men go down. Sexay tags Raven and Saturn tags Eddie. Eddie tags Saturn in. All three Radicalz take turns on Raven and break nearfalls. Raven hits a bulldog on Eddie, but Saturn mauls Raven. All six men start fighting. Stinging left hands by Raven then a right on Eddie. Eddie hits a drop toe hold then rolls Raven up with a half nelson cradle for the win. Raven looks at uerrero with a look of scorn as Sexay tries to cheer Raven up. Raven and Eddie will go one and one at Backlash for the WWF European Title
WINNER: The Radicalz via Pinfall
WWF Sunday Night Heat: Perry Saturn (w/Terri) vs. Raven: (04.22.01) - Collar and elbow tie up. Saturn backs Raven in the corner, but Raven counters it and turns it around. Saturn puts his head down and Raven kicks him in the face. Raven covers for two. Back elbow by Saturn. Raven catches Saturn's foot on a kick attempt. Raven throws Saturn down and gets a two count. Raven clotheslines Saturn to the outside. Saturn shoulder blocks Raven on the apron. Saturn pulls Raven to the outside then drvies him back first into the ring post. Saturn picks Raven up again and drives his back into the ringsteps. Saturn throws Raven back in the ring and Saturn goes to the top rope. Saturn hits a flying clothesline and gets a two count. Side suplex by Saturn then Saturn goes to the top rope. Saturn misses a flying elbow. Raven puts Saturn in the corner. Clothesline by Raven then a knee lift. Raven whips Saturn into the corner. Raven hits a clothesline then a bulldog for a two count. Saturn goes for a clothesline, but Raven ducks and Saturn hits the ref. Raven hits the Evenflow, but there's no ref. Eddie Guerrero comes down and hits a missle dropkick. Saturn waks the ref up and Saturn hits the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Cradunza for the win.
WINNER: Perry Saturn via Moss Covered Three Handled Family Cradunza
WWF RAW is WAR: Raven Backstage Segment: (04.16.01) - Test and Billy Gunn are seen walking backstage gearing up for their match against The Radikalz. Test has an issue with Eddie Guerrero, Billy has an issue with Dean Malenko, but neither of them can understand why Raven is tagging with them. Raven goes into how sometimes in life you don't have a choice and it's his choice to attack the Radikalz with them because of fate, destiny and pain. Gunn asks Test if that means they can trust Raven. Test responds by saying he can't trust him, since he didn't understand anything he said.
Raven/Test/Billy Gunn vs. The Radikalz - Raven makes his way out to the ring last of the combatants as a melee breaks out. He's wearing a BRAND NEW WWF Raven T-shirt, which should soon be available on WWF Shopzone
. The Radikalz dominate the match for the most part. At one point, Saturn runs into the ring and knocks Raven off of the ring apron via a cheap shot. Billy Gunn eventually tags in Raven and Raven cleans house. Raven does his clothesline/bulldog combo on Eddie and tries for the pin, but is mobbed by the other Radikalz. Eddie tries his Frogsplash but Raven slides away from it and picks Eddie up and drops him with his Evenflow DDT to a huge pop and the win.
WINNER: Raven, Test, and Billy Gunn via Pinfall
WWF Smackdown: Raven Interference: Test vs. Val Venis: (04.12.01) - In this match, Test takes on Val Venis. As expected, The Right To Censor, consisting of Steven, Bull and the Goodfather, tried to get involved in the bout, but Test battled back. Steven tried to hit Test with a Stevenkick, but he accidentally hit Bull! Raven, fresh from his battle with Venis and the RTC on WWF RAW is WAR, then hit the ring and planted Steven with his patented Evenflow DDT. Test would eventually go on to win the match, pinning Val after a big boot to the face -- but the real fun began afterwards! The members of the Right to Censor weren't happy with each other -- Bull & Goodfather got into a shoving match, and then both men punched out Steven, and then Steven pounded on Val! All four men were brawling with one another!
WWF RAW is WAR: Raven/Right To Censor Segment: (04.09.01) - In footage recorded earlier in the day, Steven Richards and Val Venis asked Raven to join them. It was revealed that they have been trying to get him join the Right to Censor for quite some time. Raven said their hypocritical beliefs would be exposed, and pain would be their punishment. Raven then said that the only place he didn't want to be was trapped in their belief systems! Venis responded by saying that if one was not with the RTC, they were against them.
Raven vs. Val Venis - In singles action, Raven went up against Val Venis of the Right to Censor. The former Hardcore Champion punished Val from the beginning, and nearly got a pin after a DDT, but was distracted by Steven Richards. Richards also felt the Evenflow on the outside canvas. Raven continually went for pins, but the match kept being interrupted by members of the Right to Censor! Val eventually took the win after hitting Raven with the Money Shot after the Good Father and Bull Buchannon both hit Raven with their finishers while the official was distracted.
WINNER: Val Venis via Pinfall
WWF Heat: Raven vs. Haku: (04.08.01) - Raven comes out to a good crowd reaction, does the crucifix at the entrance and makes his way down to the ring. As he makes his way to the ring, Michael Hayes comments on how at Wrestlemania Raven lost the Hardcore title in the triple threat match, but was not pinned, and how Raven did not back down one bit during the match. Raven climbs outside of turnbuckle and does the crucifix pose again. Match starts with Haku punching and slapping Raven into corner and continues throwing out strikes. Haku attempts Irish whipping Raven to the opposite corner, reversed by Raven who hits a clothelsine on Haku's rebound. Another clothesline by Raven knocking, Haku over the top rope. With Haku on the outside, Raven baseball slides Haku. Both are on the outside and continue to brawl. Haku carries Raven and rams him into the turnbuckle, and then whips Raven into the steel steps on the otherside.
Back in the ring and Haku continues to kick Raven in the mid section, and beats him down eachtime he gets back up with more kicks and chops. Haku gets Raven in a bearhug, Raven beats Haku's back and slaps his ears to break the hold, bounces off ropes but caught in another bearhug. Raven carried and planted in corner, where he suffers more kicks to mid section, headbutt and a forearm shot. Haku tries to charge in, Raven counters with a boot to face, and then reverses positions so now Haku is in the corner. Raven Irish whips Haku and does his clothesline-bulldog combo, followed up with a knee lift, and Another running clothesline. Pin attempt on Haku for a 2 count. Raven gets Haku in the corner and tries to brawl, but Haku connects with the Tongan Death Grip, leading to the pin fall.
WINNER: Haku via Pinfall
U.K. Heat Results by Last Wave
Wrestlemania X-7: WWF Hardcore Championship: The Big Show vs. Kane vs. Raven: (04.01.01) - Raven brings his cart full of weapons to the ring. Raven attacks Kane with a big yellow cutout of a kid he had in his cart. Big Show then makes his entrance as Kane regains the advantage on Raven. Kane press slams Raven onto Show. Kane comes off the top turnbuckle to the outside on Show with a flying clothesline. Kane and Raven fight in the crowd. Show follows them out and hits Kane with a big boot. They make their way to the backstage area. Show shoves Raven and the referee into the APA's office and locks the gate. Kane breaks through the padlock. Raven chokes Kane with a waterhose. Kane pushes Raven through the fence. Kane chokes Raven with the waterhose. Kane throws Raven through a window which cuts Raven up pretty bad. Show throws Kane through a door. Kane and Show bust through a wall. Raven then tries to get away on a golf cart but Show stops him and they crash into the bleachers. Kane follows after Show and Raven on a golf cart of his own and almost runs over Raven's lleg. Kane throws a plastic cart on wheels at Show. They make their way to the top of the stage. Show clotheslines Kane. Show attempts to press slam Raven off the Titantron stage but Kane knocks them both off and they go through the it! Kane jumps off the stage with a leg drop on Show for the pin.
WINNER and NEW WWF Hardcore Champion: Kane via Pinfall
WWF Heat: Non-Title Match: Raven vs. Essa Rios: (UK Commentators Kevin Kelly and Michael Hayes): (04.01.01) - Raven comes out to a positive crowd reaction, though nothing huge. He's wearing a white "The Avenger" T-shirt with yellow writing. Shots of the crowd before the match show a "Raven: Hardcore God" banner and a "What about Raisin" banner. Crucifix pose on entrance and turnbuckle.
Standard collar and elbow tie up. Raven whips Essa into corner and stomps him down to the ground. Raven tries to irish whip Essa to a near by trunbuckle, but gets it reversed into a drop toe hold onto the lowest turnbuckle pad by Essa. Raven throws Essa to turnbuckle, and as Essa rebounds Raven comes of ropes with a clothelsine. Raven screams "Get Up! Get Up!) Back and forth match including Raven's trademark russian leg sweep into the barricade and his clotheline-bulldog combo, as well as Essa's trademark headscissors and springboard arm drag.
Later, Essa tries for a huracanrana but Raven reverses it into a powerbomb. Raven's submission hold (indian deathlock-dragon sleeper variant), shouts "C'mon Essa, C'mon". Stiff looking hook kick by Essa, followed by a spinning heal kick. Essa tries to Irish whip Raven, reversal, kick to mid section and "Evenflow" DDT (Essa sold it well). Kevin Kelly just called a a DDT though. Good all round match, shot of the crowd afterwards reveals another banner that says "I want to join your flock, Raven".
WINNER: Raven via Pinfall
U.K. Heat Results by Last Wave