The Raven Activity Archives

Nitro: Interview:(8/31/98): Mike Tenay interviews an obviously angry Saturn as he enters the arena. He talks about how he has to follow Lodi because "pain is temporary, but pride is forever." He then says he won't allow Kanyon and Raven to "rape his honor." Lodi then tells Saturn to hurry with his bags. If you'll remember, Lodi won the right to have Saturn as his slave after beating him last Wednesday on Thunder due to Kanyon's interference.

Riggs vs. Ernest Miller: Riggs is the latest to job to the more violent and vicious 3 time karate champion. This was a really short match and Miller finished Riggs off way too quickly.

Lodi and Saturn vs. High Voltage: Raven comes out, orders Lodi to tell Saturn to not touch Raven or Kanyon. Raven then tells Kanyon to "break" Saturn. Kanyon fumbles the mic, Saturn claps at his idiocy. Kanyon does a whole drill seargeant routine where he tries to goad Saturn into hitting him. Saturn resists and Raven makes fun of his "pride and integrity." Raven orders Saturn and Lodi to tag against High Voltage. High Voltage gets the upperhand for most of the match. Saturn makes a comeback, nails one of them with the DVD and Lodi orders himself to be tagged back in. Lodi gets the pin and takes all the credit.

Thunder: Raven vs. Meng:(9/3/98): Raven's theme comes on. Out comes Raven and his new best friend, Kanyon, alongside the rest of the Flock. Lodi comes out and calls out his personal servant, Perry Saturn. Saturn had earlier done an interview segment where he talks about how important his word is as it was all he had growing up poor. Raven gets in the ring and hands the mic to Kanyon, who is now apparently Raven's right hand man. Kanyon announces this match will be held under Raven's rules, which means that this time it'll be a handicap match against Meng. Raven calls out Riggs and Sick Boy to attack Meng; they get wasted. Raven then calls Horace out and tells him to take Meng out if he wants back in the Flock; he fails. Sick Boy tries to take out Meng with a high-flying move but fails. Raven gets pissed and tells the ref to count the pin on Sick Boy. Raven tells Lodi to call Saturn into the ring to beat on Meng. Saturn does well but is nailed by a roundhouse kick by Kanyon. Saturn then becomes a victim of the Tongan Death Grip.

WINNER: No Contest.

Kanyon vs. Saturn: Saturn is still laid out by the Tongan Death Grip when Kanyon comes into the ring. Kanyon completely controls Saturn in this match, move after move, is done on the nearly unconscious Saturn. Kanyon brings in a sign that says WHO IS BETTER THAN KANYON? Kanyon's answer was nobody. He tries several extremely arrogant pins on Saturn, but Saturn kicks out. Saturn is at one point thrown out by Kanyon, where Raven stomps on him and yells at him to get up and fight. Saturn gets the upperhand finally and DVD's Kanyon. Lodi then gets on the apron and yells that he wants to see a flatlineer and that Saturn needs to lose. Saturn acquieses and is flatlined by Kanyon. A good night for the Flock.

WCW Saturday Night: Lodi vs. Brad Armstrong:(9/5/98): This match was completely one-sided from the beginning. Lodi came out with his slave Saturn who came out dressed in his old Flock gear while holding signs for Lodi. Lodi came out to face Road Dog's big brother, Brad Armstrong, who was already in the ring. Lodi was the victim of 2 hiptosses from the start of the match. Meanwhile, Saturn sulked in the corner. Lodi went out of the ring and told Saturn to chant "Lodi" over and over to give Lodi moral support. Lodi went back in and was the victim of a piledriver. Lodi went back outside and told Saturn to hold up the Lodi signs. Lodi gets dragged back into the ring by Road Doggy Dogg's brother and suplexes him back in. At this point, Lodi tells Saturn that he needs help, so he wants Saturn to DVD Brad Armstrong. Lodi distracts the ref and Saturn does his job. Lodi gets back into the match, all happy that Saturn has done his duty and pretends to put Brad in a sleeper hold until he is declared the winner. Lodi wins and forces Saturn to raise Lodi's hand.

Kanyon vs. Barry Horowitz: Kanyon comes out to the ring accompanied by RAVEN! Wow, if you think about it, that's kinda weird cuz usually Raven accompanied only Saturn to ringside. Raven is unusually quiet during this match. He watches a back and forth battle between the two and surprisingly Horowitz puts on a good showing. But eventually the now cocky Kanyon flatlines Barry and gets the win and Raven raises his hand in victory.

Raven vs. The Renegade: Raven comes out accompanied by his new lackey Kanyon. Raven faces the Renegade. Renegade does a couple of hard chops to his chest and gets some good power moves on Raven, including a powerslam. Raven does a side russian leg sweep on Renegade that levels him out. Raven throws him out and Kanyon beats on him some. Raven then gets him in and tries to do a high risk move at one point only to have it blocked. Renegade then tries his finishing move only to have Raven move out of the way. Raven does the Evenflow and levels Renegade. Raven wins.

WINNER: Raven via Pinfall.

Nitro: Riggs vs. Saturn:(9/7/98): Out comes Riggs wearing a chopped up Raven T-shirt backwards. He gets into the ring and we hear Kanyon's music come on. Out comes Kanyon, Lodi, Raven, and Saturn. Raven gets in the ring and starts to mock Saturn. "Oh look, it's Perry Saturn, the hero of the masses, the saviour of the downtrodden." This is classic Raven. In case any of you wondered, this is more like how Raven was in ECW, but usually Raven had a mouthpiece like Richards to do the talking for him. Raven makes Saturn fight Riggs in order to test Saturn's humanity. Can Saturn hurt those he wants to free so badly? The match starts with Riggs landing a good forearm smash on Saturn. During this match, Raven keeps almost a running commentary urging both Saturn and Riggs to fight harder. Riggs does a series of head stomps on Saturn and whips him into the corner to set him up for a good dropkick that was right on target. Saturn staggers to the side.Riggs throws Saturn into the corner and does a series of shoulder thrusts into Saturn's abdomen. Riggs then whips Saturn to the other turnbuckle and lands a good spear on him from there them he whips back to the other turnbuckle, picks him up as if he was going to execute an atomic drop, but just slams him back to the corner again. Riggs then launches Saturn into the turnbuckle again and delivers a knee thrust to Saturn while Raven and Lodi tell Saturn to fight Riggs. Saturn is almost out and Riggs kicks him to see if he's out of it. Riggs then delivers a lariat to Saturn and knocks him down yet again. This is the best match Riggs has wrestled in months. Completely dominating Saturn thus far.

At this point, Riggs is starting to get cocky. He grabs Saturn and delivers another devastating forearm smash. Saturn is on his knees. Riggs tries a punch and misses and Saturn nails him with a back kick. Saturn then suplexes Riggs and knees him in the face. Saturn bullies Riggs and throws him outside. Raven tells Riggs to at leat put up a fight, But Saturn levels him. Saturn rolls him in the ring and DVD's him for the win.

At this point, Raven comes into the ring all pissed off, he tells Saturn to break Riggs' fingers to see if he'll honor his words. Saturn says no way. Raven says he is honorable and says that Saturn can break Riggs fingers or let Raven break Saturn's fingers. So Raven breaks Saturn's fingers. This was a damn good Nitro. Hope the War Games match is worth the buildup.

Thunder: Kanyon vs. Nick Dinsmore:(9/10/98): Out comes Kanyon, all arrogant and cocky as hell. He grabs the mic and starts a diatribe where he talks about how good Kanyon is, and how WCW wastes his talent by making him fight jobbers like Dinsmore. So, he tells Lodi to send Saturn out, with the promise of Saturn not hitting Kanyon. Saturn comes out alone, holding a LODI RULZ sign and struts around holding it. Kanyon tells Saturn to pull out one of Lodi's signs about Kanyon. Saturn pulls one out that says LODI IS NOT HERE. Kanyon sees it and starts to backpeddle because he realizes Lodi is not there to control Saturn. Thus, Saturn starts to get medieval on Kanyon, with an unending barrage of suplexes and starts to break Kanyon's fingers. This was retribution for last week, I'd gather. Raven then calls out the Flock to beat on Saturn. Saturn tells Raven to not make him fight the Flock. Raven laughs and sends the Flock in anyway. Saturn beats them all and Raven calls Saturn a hypocrite who beats on those he wants to save. Saturn then says it's no longer about the Flock being free, it's about saving his own career from Raven. Good segment. Kanyon crawled to Raven's side during the interview, so we know their alliance is pretty cohesive.

Lodi Interview: Lodi came out and asked Schiavone, Marshall, and The Brain where Perry Saturn was. Schiavone told him to ask Kanyon and while he was it, to ask about Kanyon's fingers. The story was that Saturn dumped Lodi out of his rental car into the river, which is why Lodi walked in soaking wet and with a fish in pants. Lodi then went off and looked for Saturn.

WCW Saturday Night: Raven and Kanyon vs. Lodi and Saturn:(9/12/98): Raven comes out with his boy Kanyon. Lodi then comes out with Saturn. Lodi sets up the rules for this tag match where he cannot hit Kanyon or Raven. Saturn makes sure that Lodi says he can only not hit Kanyon and Raven. Lodi tells him thats what he said, so Saturn DVD's Lodi. Saturn then tells Raven that that is nothing compared to what will happen at Fall Brawl.

WCW/nWo Fall Brawl: Raven vs. Saturn:(9/13/98): Raven comes out with Lodi. None of the Flock is with him otherwise. Out somes Kanyon with WCW security. Dave Penzer announces that along with the stated stipulations, Kanyon will be handcuffed to ringside. Kanyon protests this vehemently, stating that he is not an animal, let alone the Elephant Man.But eventually, he gets handcuffed and the ref gets the keys. Raven sits in the ring and calls out Hammer then sits there for a while til Saturn makes a move at him and Raven counters it and throws Saturn into the turnbuckle. Raven gets an early advantage in this match with several good maneuvers, but eventually Saturn turns the tide. At one point, Saturn even uses his old finisher "The Rings of Saturn" on Raven. Lodi interferes and gets Raven out of it. Lodi even throws Saturn into the guard rail at one point. The Flock then comes out and sets up a table at ringside, one would assume to help Raven. Kidman then climbs the ropes, telling Raven that he's gonna dropkick him, but instead nails Raven and turns against The Flock. Raven is then DVD'd by Saturn, but kicks out. Raven then Evenflows Saturn, but Saturn kicks out. That's the first time either of these moves have been kicked out of. Both men are down and the ref is also down at this point by an errant move. Kanyon takes the advantage and takes the ref's key and unlocks himself to Flatline Saturn, yet Saturn kicks out. Saturn Then DVD's Lodi onto a table and scores the pinfall on Raven, thus freeing the Flock from Raven's supposed control.

WINNER: Saturn via Pinfall

Nitro:Raven/Kanyon/Flock segment:(9/14/98): Raven and Kanyon were out in the crowd, telling the Flock all they had to do was cross the railing to rejoin him. Lodi was tempted to return, yet was stopped by Kidman, who turned against Raven, as did Riggs, Horace, and Sick Boy. Raven and Kanyon then left. And shockingly enough, just one day after Kidman's turning on Raven, he becomes the new WCW Cruiserweight Champion. Go figure.

Thunder: (9/17/98): No Raven Activity.

WCW Saturday Night: (9/19/98): No Raven Activity.

Nitro: Raven and Kanyon vs. Villano IV and Villano V:(9/21/98): Raven and Kanyon come out after a clip montage of the fall of the Flock. Larry Zbyssko then states that Kanyon always wanted to be part of the Flock, well now he is, although it's a much smaller Flock. Kanyon introduces Raven who makes a speech stating that all loyalty is dead and that someone must pay for the crime of disloyalty perpetrated by the Flock. Raven then hits Villano V with a mic, while Kanyon nails Villano IV. Raven and Kanyon then double team Villano IV and try a variation of the Dudley Death Drop, or 3D, on him.

What happened afterward is that Raven and Kanyon did not execute the move simultaneously as it was supposed to be done. Rather, Kanyon did the power bomb portion of the move after Raven did the neckbreaker. This put all the momentum and force of the move on Villano's neck which was very dangerous and could have seriously injured him; in fact this broke his neck. Thankfully, Villano IV got up from this move and recovered over time. This match was a no contest.

Kidman vs. Disco Inferno: Lodi came to the ring holding a variety of signs stating he was lost without Raven. He came out to get Kidman to find Raven but Kidman didn't go with him. Lodi left completely dejected.

Thunder: Saturn vs. Psychosis: (9/24/98): Saturn was fighting Psychosis when Lodi suddenly came down to ringside. He was carrying several signs demeaning Saturn's freeing of the Flock at WCW/nWo Fall Brawl. Among them were "I AM SO COOL," "SATURN RUINED MY LIFE", "WHERE IS THE BALD EAGLE?" Saturn comes down to confront Lodi and threatens to hit Lodi, Lodi flinches and Saturn gets nailed by a top-rope plancha from Psychosis. Lodi's comment: "It's my turn to ruin Saturn's match!" Probably referring to Kidman's interference on Saturn's behalf at Fall Brawl.

Raven vs. Villano V: The announcers show clips of the neckbreaker/power bomb on Villano IV. They then announce that Villano V, his brother will fight Raven for "venganza" or vengeance. Raven comes down to the ring with Kanyon. Kanyon intros Raven, who says that later on he'll be beating Goldberg. Raven speaks to Villano, saying he hurt Villano's brother because someone had to feel his pain, and now this Villano would also feel Raven's pain. Villano V lunges at Raven and starts smacking him around and gives him a drop toe hold into a guillotine leg drop. Villano gloats, kicks Raven again and sets him up for a clothesline which Raven stops with a knee to Villano's stomach. Raven now takes off his jacket, wearing a Suicidal Tendencies T-shirt.

Raven starts to choke Villano and then takes his flannel off. A series of rolling Russian leg sweeps on Villano. Raven then goes out and gets Dave Penzer's chair and brings it into the ring. A series of smacks to Raven's chest. Villano then whips Raven onto the rope and dropkicks him on the way back. More gloating from Villano. Head first bulldog into the ring by Villano, followed by and atomic drops him. Raven whips him into the turnbuckle. Raven gets the chair and sets it up and drop-toe-holds him into the chair which sets Raven up for the Evenflow. 1 2 3 Raven wins. Villano loses.

Kanyon vs. Goldberg: Raven accompanies Kanyon out, but he's leaving. Wait a minute, Raven goes to the announcer's table. This could be good. Raven is quiet for a little while why Kanyon does his intro, saying I am Kanyon, who is better than me? At that second, Goldberg's music starts. Goldberg does one spear then jackhammers Kanyon for the win. On the upside, when Kanyon asked who was better than him, lots of people were saying "Nobody!!"

Raven segment with Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay: Raven goes to the announcers table. Now he's wearing that "Nevermore" shirt. He then says he wants to talk about his tortured past and the unfair treatment he has always received since childhood to WCW. Then says why does Goldberg get a security squad, is something going to happen to him. Heenan then points out that Goldberg has his own dressing room, trying to kiss Raven's @$$ while he's up there. Raven then tells Heenan to shut up because Raven doesn't need his help. Raven tells Tenay to tell him why Goldberg is so popular. Tenay then gives Goldberg a glowing review saying that Goldberg is 144-0. Raven then gets pissed that Goldberg has a video package about his finisher and so does DDP, saying that DDP once again gets something that Raven really deserves. He then says why isn't there a video about the Evenflow, What about me? What about Raven? Schiavone says that Raven always wastes his videos, talking about how mistreated he was. Raven says "As if I wasn't!!" Raven then says he only got one shot at Goldberg, and that's all he has to say about it and that he'll get another one soon.

WCW Saturday Night: (9/26/98): No real Raven Activity. Lodi walks to the ring during former Flock member Horace's match with signs about Raven.

Nitro: (9/28/98): No Raven Activity.

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