
[world wrestling federation - wwf]
wwf hardcore championship [11]
raven - albany, ny [wwf raw]
won from: the big show on 03.19.01
defeated by: kane on 04.01.01*
* [3-way match at wrestlemania x-7 included the big show]
wwf hardcore championship [12]
raven - philadelphia, pa [wwf smackdown]
won from: maven on 03.26.02
defeated by: bubbah ray dudley on 04.01.02
wwf hardcore championship [13]
raven - salt lake city, ut [wwf house show]
won from: goldust on 04.06.02
defeated by: bubbah ray dudley on 04.06.02
wwf hardcore championship [14]
raven - denver, co [wwf house show]
won from: goldust on 04.07.02
defeated by: bubbah ray dudley on 04.07.02
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